Seed Health
Bacterial Fruit Blotch Testing
Test quality and customer confidence are our top priorities. We have a highly qualified and trained staff for Bacterial Fruit Blotch (BFB) testing and over 20 years of experience in strict sanitation protocols for our lab and greenhouses.
Summit Plant Laboratories, Inc. is accredited by the National Seed Health System for specific diagnostic tests in cucurbits, and we specialize in cucurbit seedling grow-out testing.
SPLI and our staff have been responsible for testing cucurbits for the detection of Acidovorax avenae subsp. citruilli for over ten years.
SPLI works with clients to meet the National Seed Health System's high testing standards for Bacterial Fruit Blotch testing.
SPLI is a member of American Seed Trade Association.
Please contact us for competitive industry pricing.
Cucurbits Testing – Cantaloupe, Cucumber, Melon, Squash, Pumpkin, Gourd, and Watermelon.
Bacterial Testing
Acidovorax citrulli – Bacterial fruit blotch, BFB, Aac, Ac.
Virus Testing
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus – CGMMV
Squash mosaic virus – SqMV
Melon necrotic spot virus – MNSV
Please contact us for pricing or if your test of interest is not listed here.
Seedling Grow Out- Seedling PCR, Immunostrip Tests, and Seed Wash
ELISA and Seedling Grow Out
ELISA and Seedling Grow Out
ELISA and Seedling Grow Out

If you are a new client, please download and complete the two documents to the right and e-mail them to us. Please call us if you have any questions.
: (970) 224-2021